At Mechanical Equipment, we make an effort to carry the products that our customers need while at the same time, the products that fit into our complete hydronic package. Since adding boilers to our product list, we felt that the accessory steam and hot water products used with boilers, would also benefit our customers, so we added the Sterling / Sterlco steam specialty product line.

Sterlco Steam Control Products

Sterling / Sterlco manufacturers a very high quality line of steam and hot water accessories such as:

  • High Pressure Thermostatic Traps
  • All sizes and types of F&T Traps
  • All sizes and types of boiler-feed pumps and systems
  • Steam Temperature Control valves
  • Inverted Bucket Traps
  • All sizes and types of condensate pumps and tanks

They are located just outside of Milwaukee, in New Berlin Wisconsin, with over 100 years in business. We’ve sold quite a bit of Sterlco product since we signed them on, and we haven’t had a single issue with any aspect of the product whatsoever!

Sterlco Steam Control Products
Most recently, we were contacted by United Airlines with a request for us to furnish two new Sterlco boiler feed systems at 1,000 gallons each, for better consistency and reliability. They were ecstatic with the results!

The biggest reason we chose to represent Sterlco, was their high quality line of boiler feed and condensate pumps. They are made with a 3450 RPM motor, to assure maximum efficiency while maintaining minimum motor horsepower. Available in a wide range of sizes, they are AMERICAN MADE with options that will meet or exceed your needs.

The new K Series 2’ low NPSH Pump is designed to pump hot condensate up to +212° F, on elevated tank units. If (or more likely “when”) a steam trap fails in the system, this unit continues to operate up to 12° higher than standard units. The added inducer increases vapor pressure and prevents the whole system failing due to pump cavitation. Stainless steel construction on the impeller and inducer, lengthens the life of the pump and offers supreme corrosion resistance. The K Series pump is energy efficient and will reduce total cost as well. It is engineered to fit / retro-fit current Sterlco boiler feed and condensate units, and is also a drop in replacement for other brands as well.

We stock most of these items year-round, so we can get them to you quickly. Give us a call today at 800-355-7061 to learn more about Sterlco’ s Steam Control Systems or any of our other great products.


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