Best Practices for Boiler Maintenance
Do you take care of your boilers, with a regular maintenance program? If not, you should. Boilers, like cars or any other mechanical devices, are subject to wear and tear. They need adequate maintenance, to ensure that they don’t break down because if they do, it’s guaranteed NOT to be at a convenient time to repair it. Waiting until something breaks down before repairing and maintaining it, always ends up
Innovation in Boiler Control Technology
Patterson-Kelley recently published a blog post on innovation in boiler controls that we thought would be of interest to you. They are one of our most trusted lines of heat transfer equipment like boilers and water heaters. As you will see in the blog post, Patterson-Kelley is definitely committed to making boiler control technology one of the most impressive features of your heating systems. Read on! The Evolution of Boiler
Discount on Patterson-Kelley Boiler Annual Maintenance Kits
Don’t wait for it to get cold! Mechanical Equipment is offering a limited time 20% discount on our Patterson-Kelley Boiler Annual Maintenance Kits (part #BP-0000-0345). This special offer will be applied to maintenance kits orders starting July 10, 2018 through September 30, 2018. As we approach the fall maintenance season, the importance of annual maintenance will help ensure optimal performance of your Patterson-Kelley Boilers and frankly, all of your equipment.
Breaking Down Boiler Turndown Rates
Patterson-Kelley is one of our most trusted lines of heat transfer equipment like boilers and water heaters. They recently published this article on boiler turndown rates that we thought you would find it of interest. Operate at Peak Efficiency Thermal efficiency is simply the chemical energy added to the boiler divided by the energy added to the boiler water. As more energy is transferred from the hot gas into
New Taco FI and CI Pumps
Taco has announced the launch of a new batch of FI and CI pumps that meet DOE 2020 compliance mandates. Below are links to the new data sheets for the FI/CI 1507D, 2506D, & 5009D models. If you have any questions regarding these pumps, please give us a call at 800-355-7061. 1507D Submittal Data Sheets 2506D Submittal Data Sheets 5009D Submittal Data Sheets
Sterlco Steam Control Products
At Mechanical Equipment, we make an effort to carry the products that our customers need while at the same time, the products that fit into our complete hydronic package. Since adding boilers to our product list, we felt that the accessory steam and hot water products used with boilers, would also benefit our customers, so we added the Sterling / Sterlco steam specialty product line. [caption id="attachment_674" align="alignright" width="584"] Sterlco